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Layoff Response

JULY 18 2024


With the dust not settled on the last round of layoffs at Corus, and many grievances still outstanding, this week the company once again began reducing employee numbers as its way to cut  A move targeted at keeping the company afloat with a looming debt payment due at the end of August.


These layoffs impacted members from coast to coast and will be numbered in the 50’s when all is said and done. These layoffs impacted not only M1 members, but also Union members who don’t belong to M1. In Kingston and Peterborough these stations along with our M1 Cousins in Kelowna will see only a skeleton crew remaining, with Kelowna losing half of its membership. Some of these jobs are being moved to other Union Shops in Global, while others are going to non union workplaces in Barrie. A disturbing trend that M1 and Unifor find unacceptable.


These layoffs also greatly impacted the online team across the country in a company that once touted “Digital First” as the way of the future, something that troubles us greatly as a lot of our members doing this job are new to the business and just getting a foot in the door. This not only leaves them without of a job, but with not a lot of severance to help them get back on their feet. We believe these job loses in digital could fall under the transfer of work language in our collectives and qualify for enhanced pay outs, and we will fight for these payouts where warranted.


As you read in our last message only a couple of months ago these lay offs while immediate, take time to play out, and are extremely hard on those impacted directly, and those who could be impacted by seniority and bumping rights, so we ask for patience as this process unfolds.


While we don’t know where this company will be come September. We can tell you that your executive with the help of Unifor, will continue to fight for proper severances and all monies owed to our members. Please seek out your local leadership if you have any questions, and feel free to contact your national executive at any time if you have questions.


Clif Harris M1 President  780 399 0033

Michael Haslett M1 Treasurer 613 761 8842

James Davidson M1 Master Steward 647 649 8981

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